Thursday, February 25, 2010

Random Rant About Education

Education can be such a rewarding thing, if taught correctly. This year has definitely been the worst school year of my life thus far. I cannot stand my teachers and the classes are so inapplicable it’s infuriating! I sit through these excruciatingly painful classes without feeling stimulated or intrigued or anything for that matter. There are a couple arguments that I am particularly struggling with.
1) Teachers teach us absolute shit that will never apply to anything, but they try to convince us regularly that we’ll be able to apply in everyday life! E.g. in trig today we learned about sin curves. What the fuck our sin curves you might be wondering? Well that’s exactly my question. I’ve never heard any adult in my life, before Mr. Harman said it today, mention having to use the sin curve to solve any real life problems. If you want to teach me about numbers Mr. Harman tell me something that I can get worked up about! Tell me how exactly taxes are applied to everyday citizens. Tell me how we’re getting the money to fund this $700 billion dollar relief bill that quite frankly won’t do shit! Teach me something that I care about!
2) I’m so incredibly fed up with teachers talking about how we’ll need it to get into college and how the SAT’s are so important. Says who? Who puts so much pressure on these tests that are supposed to measure our brains? Our whole educational system is based on comparing you to the kids around you. Well guess what? I’m sick of it. Stop comparing me! Stop telling me to live up to the standards that everyone else has set! I’m sick of these barriers being set. After high school, you go to college. After college, you get a job in the real world. Well what’s so real about it? I just can’t help feeling so insignificant and menial in this huge agenda. If the educational system was more personalized I think we could see a lot greater talent coming out of our schools and our youth.
3) High school is seriously the worst idea ever. Who came up with this idea to cram 1,000 kids in a fluorescent container for seven hours a day? That’s not a learning environment! I can’t stand it! I sit in these horribly dirty chairs sharing who knows how many types of bacteria with the person who sat there before me. Then I sit. Then I listen, listen, listen all day long. I’m sick of listening. Open up a discussion every once and awhile! Loosen up the reins on your class! We need to develop our own ideas and our own opinions and not just have your ideas shoved down our throats. Mrs. Boor is one of those teachers that thinks she is so revolutionary and open minded and developing a better tomorrow for education when really she is just like every other shitty teacher in this school. She doesn’t give a shit about what you have to say.

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