Thursday, June 9, 2011

Too Long Since I Blogged...

I have a theory. It is about men and their enabling mothers. Boys are wimps today. They don't know how to fix anything, they don't know how to work hard, they don't know how to save money, and they don't know how to do a lot of things that probably 45% of the male population fifty years ago would have been perfectly capable of doing. They seem to be inept. So I started thinking about what causes this ineptness and I came to the conclusion that it comes down to enabling mothers. I proposed this idea to my mom and she said that as a parent she always thought that doing things for kids when they could do it for themselves was crippling them. How would they ever learn the necessary life skills if someone else is always doing it for them?
For awhile I've been thinking this about boys, but now I'm starting to think about girls. They are seriously I think slightly retarded. Girls know how to do even less than their male counterparts. Last semester my philosophy semester was raving about how we are a generation of dip shits who are completely useless and don't take control of anything and we don't know how to take control of everything, so what are we going to do when we are the ones in control? Eventually we won't be able to just sit around and let other people make the decisions for our lives.
I try to be generally optimistic about life and where we are all headed and I always know that there are still some good things in this world, but man, there is a lot of shit going on. People are just turning into the biggest dickwads. Nobody cares about anybody anymore.
Last night I was at Kevin's house and Cole was texting this one girl and Adam asked him who he was texting and Cole goes, "just some bitch." The first thing all the guys say is, "is she hot?", "is she a babe?". He then proceeded to have her pick him up from Kevin's house when he was drunk as shit because he wanted to "get his dick wet." Real cool. So she picks him up and he throws up all over her house! Super classy!
Last week a bunch of college kids were staying at a friend's house down in Ocean City, MD. One girl who is a junior in college had sex with a boy who is in high school. One girl peed the bed because she was so drunk one night. It's just disgusting. People need to grow up. I'm so sick of being a part of this. Of all of it.
When I was at the beach a few weeks ago with Adam, Kevin, and Corey, we were hanging out in Kevin's room and Adam was asleep next to me and I was looking at stuff on his phone. I wasn't trying to snoop, but I was looking at his favorites on his Stumbleupon. He had several pictures of girls with either enormous boobs or huge asses and all like posing with their fingers in their mouth and I honestly thought I was going to throw up right then. I felt so terrible. I know boys do things like that, but why do they have to look at girls like THAT? I'm never going to be able to compare to something like that. If you're looking for a girl with a 24" waist and a 56" bust, then keep walking. I'm not her. I'm me and that's all I'm ever going to be. Don't compare me to something. If I'm not enough for you, then keep walking. I'm not going to be put in this situation. I'm done with it.

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