Saturday, November 19, 2011

The day began so long ago... These past twenty four hours have become a twisted, winding path that has led me directly to this moment. This being. This feeling. Why do people have a constant need to be searching or striving? I feel like you have to come to a point in your life when you realize that all that striving has gotten you to where you are now, so now you can just be. This whole day has just made me fall in love with my life. All over again. How did I ever get so lucky? To be surrounded by so many loving, joyful people? Who all share a love for each other? There is something about this time in your life where you have this connection with people that I don't know if we will ever be able to have again. When will you be able to connect with people like this again? I feel like my cup of life is overflowing with so much goodness. I don't know how it happened that I found myself surrounded by all of this life, but I'm so grateful and so happy to have stumbled upon it. I feel like it is just me. For the first time in my life. So connected and so happy.

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