Monday, January 17, 2011

Back to Bloom...

So we moved into our house on Saturday and it is really adorable! I love it, a lot! It is so cozy and it just fits us! I really like it!
Last night Joanna and I got smoked up by this kid, Kyle Matthew. He just came over and rolled us a blunt and chilled. Haha. It's funny how some things come about.
So I've been here since Saturday and I last saw Adam on Friday. I really don't know if I can do this semester or not. Already I feel so frustrated with everything between us and today I was thinking, I know that I love him and I always say if our love is enough, then we can make it through, but what if I just can't do it? I know I love him and everything but what if I just can't do it? I already decided that if I'm not happy I'm just gonna end it. He said that he thought that we had something special and that if we ever did break up there would be a good chance that we could get back together sometime and maybe that is what we should be doing now.
We both said that we would make more of an effort this semester, but so far I definitely don't see it. I talked to him for like a couple text messages the past couple days and I called him on Saturday night to say goodnight and talked to him for probably less than two minutes. He was supposed to call me last night when he got off work but I went to bed at like 11 and he was at Nate's smoking so he didn't call me and then was like, oh I wish I would have called you right after work so I could atleast talk to you for a little bit. Well there's a novel idea, dipshit! Grr... Idk about this this time...

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