Thursday, September 30, 2010

I got my first speeding ticket yesterday. Awesome. Haha. I was going 50 in a 35 and my fine is $139.50. I always thought I would cry when I got my first ticket and try and suck up to the officer, but I think I have too much pride for that. I was so pissed. I just wanted to be done with him and back on the road. I wasn't rude, but I wasn't friendly. It really didn't shake me up that much though.
Anyway, I was driving because I was going to Carlisle to visit Jessica for her birthday. It took like 2 and a half hours when everything was said and done and I skipped three classes for her today, but it was worth it. I think the people in life that you care about are definitely worth making the effort for. There aren't many people in the world that I love as much as Jessica, so it was definitely worth it.
So far Bloomsburg is cool. Ha. I've met some people who are pretty chill, but no one that I am like obsessed with or anything. Just like alright friends. We'll see how it goes once time gets further along and I've been here for longer, but as of now I could take college or leave it. It's kinda just like a continuation of high school, people really don't grow up that much. Boys are still tools, and for the most part girls are still bitches. Surprise, surprise. Ha. I hope I start to like it more, but we'll see. Maybe I should transfer to Penn State. I really miss Rachel.
Sidenote, I might want to start dealing drugs? Just a thought...

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